If it’s been more than 7 days since you placed your order, check the orders section on your profile panel. If the order result as shipped please refer to the tracking number we sent by email and contact your local curier. If the order has been dispached and you didn’t get your tracking number please contact us at and we will be happy to help you track your package.
We ship from Italy to all over the World. On the Checkout you can know the shipping costs.
We offer free shipping over 90€ on Europe
All requests for technical support or product related questions can be sent to
You can pay with Paypal account or use your Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express card.
Transactions will be hosted by external services such as Paypal (Europe) s.r.l.; we do not record your personal data in any way.
PayPal is the simple, fast and secure way to pay and to be paid online. The service provides the simplest way to send cash without sharing financial information, with the flexibility to pay by way of your own current account, credit card or through promotional financing. With 143 million accounts active in 193 markets and 26 currencies accepted throughout the world, PayPal allows you to make commercial transactions globally, processing more than 9 million payments every day.
We offer a money-back guarantee within 14 days from your order arrival date, but shipping costs will be in yours charge, unfortunately we are not Amazon…
Read all the information in our Terms of Sale page.